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Music Recommend - AT
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Music Recommend


Comment feed: all comments from AT's recommendation and subscription feeds.
winli said, of rec. by Peter (Free Energy)  2010-11-10 22:56:50
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AT said, of rec. by Peter (Free Energy)  2010-07-31 02:12:09
I could not agree more, Peter. I used that quoted track to open one of my "best of 2009" mix CDs - it's one of the songs that got me through my waning days at Wells Fargo, actually. Your description, "Music to high-five strangers to," is more apt than anything else I could imagine.

Ah, sweet rock and roll. I'm listening to music at a prodigious rate of late; see my last.fm if you dare.
blukis said, of rec. by AT (Wye Oak)  2010-07-20 17:07:37
Thanks, AT.  I've been suffering a music drought lately.
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (The Magnetic Fields)  2010-02-07 22:23:31
Thanks for the heads up - I wouldn't have known.  (Relatedly, albumreminder.com is apparently completely useless.)
blukis said, of rec. by blukis (They Might Be Giants)  2009-11-23 00:01:53
(New favorite mp3 player: SysTrayPlay.  Not because it has the puzzling option of shutting down the computer after playback.)
blukis said, of rec. by blukis (They Might Be Giants)  2009-11-22 23:59:04
I had related thoughts about some of the evolution references: I have this knee-jerk reaction [I believe, of our times] of "why don't they show all sides of the subject?".  Then I think of how many levels it was ridiculous that I just thought that.  Upon more listens, I noticed how "My Brother the Ape" seems to deal with a guy reluctantly dealing with his animal relatives, which I think is subtle - like "this is what you're all thinking", without being side-tracked at all from "Science".

I have similar thoughts about a nod to Pluto, without the "name all the planets" song being at all about the Pluto problem.

These are not the reasons I'm loving this album, however.
AT said, of rec. by blukis (They Might Be Giants)  2009-11-22 12:21:31
I heard this album played on the radio a few weeks ago, and the nerds who ran this college radio show were similarly excited about the science-ness of this album. I need to listen to it more, and I'm interested in my relationship to this album in the context of the currently perceived cultural divide between "religion" and "science." Isn't that like choosing between cake and ice cream?
Peter said, of rec. by blukis (They Might Be Giants)  2009-11-22 01:07:33
"A scientific theory
Isn't just a hunch or guess
It's more like a question
That's been put through a lot of tests"
I remember on my first listen-through thinking that this album really likes its subject in a really nerdy way. And, upon further listenings, I really like the idea of an album being factually correct in a field I tend to be a minor jerk about. Especially "Put It To The Test", which has a pretty great summary of the idea of Falsifiability.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (The Gaslight Anthem)  2009-10-01 21:52:36
I love the title track, haven't heard the rest. Said track has inspired me to re-start my grand experiment in search of the best songs about death.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Cloud Cult)  2009-06-11 04:33:02
I know, I know, commenting on myself reeks of pathetic-ness. But only tonight did I discover this review of the album from The Sneeze. http://www.thesneeze.com/2008/feel-good-ghosts---a-review-by-my-son.php

I demand that everyone who is cool at all read this review, and then ask yourself whether or not you love this album as much as this eight-year-old kid does. Then ask yourself whether or not you love anything as much as that kid loves this album. Probably at some point, actually listen to the album too. Because it's every bit as great as this Radio-Shack-lovin' kid says it is.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Metric)  2009-05-08 23:10:57
I've finally had a chance to listen to this album a couple of times, and I approve.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Gram Parsons)  2009-04-27 23:24:35
OK, so these two Gram Parsons albums (GP & Grievous Angel) are now sold as a single album. I must have this.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Emmylou Harris)  2009-04-27 23:23:43
OK, so I've discovered Gram Parsons - I canNOT believe I reference him so callously above!! - where she became the best harmony vocalist in the history of pop music. Brilliant. Also, check her song Making Believe, which I discovered on a Gram Parsons Pandora Station. Some guy (not sure who) on backing vocals, and it's perfectly heartwrenching. Beautiful.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Cloud Cult)  2009-04-22 22:02:07
Jason Lukis, this one's for you!!
AT said, of rec. by AT (Bob Dylan with Johnny Cash)  2009-04-22 21:56:21
AT said, of rec. by Peter (The Thermals)  2009-04-22 20:38:09
This Thermals song in constant rotation (Now We Can See?) on The Current right now has been in my head for days, and I haven't minded one bit. I need to look further into these Thermals.

[edit] OK, so now I've watched the video and quite liked that tune as well. And how are they related to AGSFB (who I can't listen to anymore due to Rhapsody's takeover of Yahoo - grrr)??
AT said, of rec. by Peter (P.O.S.)  2009-04-22 20:36:29
The very first time I heard this album it was the wrong situation, and I wasn't too impressed. Since then, however, it's become a regular in my rotation because of the complex, hard-edged awesomeness it delivers. I need to check out that new Doomtree disc where P.O.S. is with his best friends, as I've been impressed with what I've heard on The Current.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (The Lonely Island)  2009-04-22 20:33:57
I finally saw a couple of these recently - I'm on a boat is amazing, and I should watch the rest of 'em.
Peter said, of rec. by Eric (Stars)  2009-01-16 11:13:11
HOLY CRAP I love these guys. Their show last year remains in my Favorite Concerts of All Time.
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Andrew Jackson Jihad)  2008-12-16 21:48:24
Holy crap.  How can this exist.
Katie said, of rec. by AT (Cloud Cult)  2008-11-26 10:26:14
Definitely a great song and a great album. I'm so glad you posted it!
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Jayber Crow)  2008-10-18 08:21:19
Thanks for bringing us out, Peter.  For the rest of you, there are a couple of mp3s here:
AT said, of rec. by AT (The Be Good Tanyas)  2008-10-13 21:18:05
I do have it. It was the CD I got for joining MPR when The Current debuted, so I guess I'm not too surprised it's hard to find. How would I go about making that available to you?
Eray said, of rec. by AT (The Be Good Tanyas)  2008-10-13 17:07:39
Do you know where I can get a copy of that 89.3 Current sampler??  I would LOVE to get a copy of the live recording of "Littlest Birds" by Jolie Holland, but can't find it anywhere!  Do you have it??
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (The Thermals)  2008-09-28 12:19:53
I remember you recommending this (to me) a bit before this site came along.  I think it was one of the seeds that got me thinking about a site like this.
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Fleet Foxes)  2008-08-30 11:20:19
Andy, (Re: 1.) email perhaps?  right here?  I don't know.  Rhapsody (i.e. Real) seems to be buying all their competitors and then charging more.  They do seem to have the biggest selection, though.
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (The Dutchess and the Duke)  2008-08-30 11:12:45
Funny, I heard the first song, Reservoir Park, on the Current on the way to work recently, and wanted to look it up somewhere.  Somewhere along the way I dropped the ball.  Oddly, from the sound of the song, I thought they were playing something old, like from the 70s.  Pleasant surprise to hear it again on your recommendation.
Peter said, of rec. by Peter (Fleet Foxes)  2008-08-08 20:56:19
While the Aforementioned David Brusie had alerted us that these guys were good, the rest of us were there for the Blitzen Trapper Experience.  I didn't notice any weird male bonding time (I wince at the term,) but there were certainly a bunch of dudes on hand.  (We were at the 7th St. Entry, and it was increasingly packed.  We happened to be about 6 feet from the stage.  I refrained from going on stage during the We-happen-to-have-a-lot-of-percussion-instruments-up-here-so-grab-one-and-rock-out song.)
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Fleet Foxes)  2008-08-08 16:35:55
1. So I've switched to Rhapsody from Yahoo, but still have many questions about what that means. What is the appropriate forum for me to ask y'all such  questions?

2. My people in Chicago are currently writing, recording, and creating a video for a Lutheran Volunteer Corps-themed rap song that includes the word "bromance," and if I still lived in Chicago I'm sure I would be involved. I can't decide if I'm sad or glad that I don't live there.
leezuh said, of rec. by Peter (Fleet Foxes)  2008-08-01 10:04:43
Did you experience any bromance at the show?

blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Fleet Foxes)  2008-07-29 21:46:34
Super.  This site keeps proving to me that it was worth making.  Andy, don't know if you're making the switch to rhapsody that yahoo users are being "forced" to do.  Rhapsody, aside from being run by devils' spawn, has this album.

Also, I keep being reminded that what the world needs isn't a super-massive distributed p2p system (which is law-enforcingly problematic), but a local friend-only song sharing (which, like making mix tapes, isn't).  Isn't there some easy program out there I can share my music with some select friends?  Sure it's not legal, but I'd like to see them sue me for the $20 they lost.  Suggestions?
blukis said, of rec. by AT (Okkervil River)  2008-07-26 14:03:29
Just getting around to this... Nice.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Okkervil River)  2008-07-09 00:46:38
Having finally listened to the entire album, I long to own it in such form as I can listen to it in my car. That means I like it a great deal, and it inspired a new list at my last.fm profile (last.fm/user/atengwall) of albums I want to listen to in the car. As I only use CDs in the car (Barbarian! Luddite!), I'll have to decide whether to purchase CDs or to upgrade my technology. Anyone have helpful opinions about that question?
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Fleet Foxes)  2008-07-09 00:08:50
I've been trying to listen to this band, but I have as yet been unable to procure their new album. Still, your rec will inspire me to try harder.
leezuh said, of rec. by leezuh (Arcade Fire)  2008-07-03 21:39:01
seriously. this song...god, war, family, injury. i feel like a latecomer to the arcade fire. but that doesn't really bother me.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Okkervil River)  2008-07-03 20:14:14
I didn't realize that was the new album, as I got that song awhile back on a compilation CD, but as of paying attention to it this week for the first time I'm thrilled with it. I like how some of of this band's stuff could slip onto may faux country mix, and some of it is this song.
AT said, of rec. by leezuh (Arcade Fire)  2008-07-03 20:06:43
I'm pretty sure "working for the church while my family dies ... working for the church while my life falls apart / singing hallelujah with fear in your heart" ought to mean something very important to me. I guess maybe it helps keep me grounded somehow, or gives needed perspective on my existential place, or something.

PS - I love that I didn't even notice that you'd specified this song until halfway through writing the above; it's just what came to mind when I saw you'd listed that album.
Peter said, of rec. by AT (Okkervil River)  2008-07-03 08:43:13
Their newest album is called "The Stage Names", and it's pretty great.  The first track tends to stick in my mind in ways I don't understand.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (POS)  2008-06-20 17:36:10

Oh, and among the fun of this album is the song done by Craig Finn of The Hold Steady, which begins by calling the movie Predator "weak and unwatchable." I've often wondered whether it was Craig Finn or POS who actually walked out of Predator, or if it's just a fiction.
Peter said, of rec. by Peter (The Hold Steady)  2008-06-19 19:26:30
AT, email me.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Weezer)  2008-06-19 00:14:47
I'm not sure I've ever heard such widely divergent reviews of an album as I have of this one; finally I see it's available on yahoo, so I look forward to checking it out in a timely manner.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (The Hold Steady)  2008-06-19 00:11:06
Peter, I dearly long to hear this album. Am I missing the way that you have it and can listen to it but I can't seem to procure it yet?
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Weezer)  2008-06-14 20:37:17
[1.25 songs in...]  I think I see why you say that.
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Mates of State)  2008-04-16 21:55:33
I've been listening to this back-to-back with Ben Kweller (from Tom), and I should probably comment that I've been enjoying this too.  The two band sounds seem to complement each other nicely.  (I probably have weird ears, so that is probably a lie.)

Peter, where have you been?  Make a buddy icon.  Also, subscribe to Tom's recs.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Mates of State)  2008-04-16 16:55:16
Peter, finally today I had the chance to listen to this, and it was great. I combined it with the mini-recommendation of All-Girl Summer Fun Band, and I've decided I want the song Canadian Boyfriend to be about me. I mean, I'm from relatively near Canada, right?
blukis said, of rec. by thomasjwalker (Ben Kweller)  2008-04-14 22:44:27
I've been getting into Ben Kweller lately.  Thanks for the recommendation.  (Would never have listened without it.)
AT said, of rec. by AT (Hem)  2008-04-07 02:12:19
OK, here's the deal. When I listen to this album in the dead of night (it's after 3 am now), I am consistently convinced that it is the best album ever. I WANT MORE CLARINET IN MY ROCK SONGS. And when, as I'm listening to it, my player shifts to Patsy Cline, I feel compelled to create a Patsy Cline / Neko Case / Hem / The Be Good Tanyas (did I forget anybody?) cabal to take over the entire world and bring about world peace and a thousand years of prosperity for all, only not in a creepy totalitarian sort of way.
Peter said, of rec. by Peter (The Mountain Goats)  2008-04-03 22:34:45
Andy, whine at me with a gmail address.

Also, google "hype machine" and search there with song titles.

"Tallahassee" is also great, if that's available to you.  Not the same lo-fi recording, though.  (Not necessarily a downside.)
blukis said, of rec. by thomasjwalker (Ben Kweller)  2008-04-03 21:14:02
I should somehow add library cds to the list of "legal options" on the main page.  Also, welcome here.
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (The Mountain Goats)  2008-04-03 21:02:48
One time I looked up a band's web site, and wrote them.  (Happened to be Lizzie West.)  They responded, and said "We do have control over Holy Road and will try to upload that album to yahoo and rhapsody soon."  It turns out in this case they didn't, but I think the answer is "whine at the label".
AT said, of rec. by Peter (The Mountain Goats)  2008-04-03 14:27:49
Peter, apparently yahoo doesn't have that album, though it does have some others. What can be done about this besides whining?
AT said, of rec. by thomasjwalker (Band of Horses)  2008-04-03 14:20:26
The recommendation itself got me excited about this, and I have the album but have yet to give it the time it deserves. I'll have to do so shortly.
thomasjwalker said, of rec. by AT (The Long Winters)  2008-04-03 08:01:11
This is a great album.  This album was the soundtrack to my life for April/May of last year.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Hem)  2008-03-27 00:19:10
Either this is the music Aaron Copland always wanted to make, or it's the music I always wanted him to make. Or it's really late and I'm delusional.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Fiery Furnaces)  2008-03-24 16:50:13
Yeah, as I read this comment one of their tracks happened to come up on my playlist, and I agree that 'rough on the ears' applies at times. I'm currently considering them a little hit-or-miss, but i think it will take some time before I develop a final opinion.
blukis said, of rec. by AT (Fiery Furnaces)  2008-03-23 23:26:57
Haven't caught up on your last 2 recs, (the ones after this one) but I spent an afternoon last week listening to Fiery Furnaces.  Rough on the ears, but I was intrigued.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Beirut)  2008-03-20 22:50:43
Yesterday I couldn't get their tune Nantes out of my head, and I didn't mind a bit. This band is on the verge of favoriteness.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Los Campesinos)  2008-03-17 21:12:49
So I've been listening to these guys, and they're freaking amazing. My current favorite track is 'Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats', the opening of which puts it over the top for now.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Sleater-Kinney)  2008-03-05 22:38:55
I would like to point out a pattern, thanks in part to reflection prompted by my own last.fm profile ( http://www.last.fm/user/atengwall/ ): Since I became an official roller derby participant (an announcer), Sleater-Kinney has all but become my favorite band.

Coincidence? I think not.

Oh, and P.S. - Since I've really only heard their last album, which earlier bits are MOST vital for me to hear? Somebody make use of this damn site and recommend some for me!! Thanks. :)
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Beirut)  2008-03-04 12:37:08
Peter, I finally have a chance to check this out, and I like it a great deal. And they seem to have a higher percentage of songs in 3 than even Neko Case or Sufjan Stevens, so that's always fun.
jlukis said, of rec. by jlukis (The Rapture)  2008-03-04 00:38:02
Yeah, I got one song from the album (can't remember if it was this one or not) in some freebie thing and thought the same thing. I do recommend the rest of the album. It's pretty good. It was just brought to my attention that you commented. As Brian pointed out, I wasn't subscribed to my own suggestions via rss, which I guess will notify me of comments somehow. Only problem is, I can't figure out how to subscribe to my own suggestions yet. hm.
AT said, of rec. by AT (Patsy Cline)  2008-03-03 17:46:00
A critical difference, I suppose, is that Neko Case writes her own music, whereas Patsy Cline did not. Then again, it was a completely different era, so there's that.
AT said, of rec. by jlukis (The Rapture)  2008-03-03 17:19:38
I got this tune off a sampler disc (Insound Pushing Product 8, as I look it up), and liked it enough to download the album on Yahoo, but haven't actually listened to it yet.
AT said, of rec. by blukis (The Magnetic Fields)  2008-03-03 16:47:20
J, another Stephin Merritt project is The Sixths, where he just brings in random (usually indie-ish) folks to sing his songs. See also the Gothic Archies, whom I have not heard, and I believe he has 'solo' stuff as well. BTW, does this mean you are unfamiliar with the 69 Love Songs album? Because if that's the case, it's a situation needing to be rectified immediately.
blukis said, of rec. by blukis (The Magnetic Fields)  2008-03-03 16:25:57
Yep.  Basically the same person/people.  Another guy collaborates on the writing in F.B.H.  The Magnetic Fields songs are written by Stephen Merritt (only), and performed by himself and others.
jlukis said, of rec. by blukis (The Magnetic Fields)  2008-03-03 15:23:41
Wow Bri,
These Guys REALLY remind me of Future Bible Heroes. Especially the song "Zombie Boy". Any connection to that band?
blukis said, of rec. by AT (Patsy Cline)  2008-03-03 13:22:08
When you recommended Patsy Cline before, I thought, "Gosh, she sounds a lot like Neco Case.  Or, vice versa."
AT said, of rec. by AT (Pat Seick and the Coyotes)  2008-02-24 20:12:29
So because everybody's a critic (but seldom has a voice in the creative process), you may choose to be interested in this repost from the Coyotes' myspace bulletin:

Date:    Feb 24, 2008 7:02 PM
Subject: well, mixing
Body: hello

we're in the process of mixing an album
we'll probably end up pressing this album onto 5 or six hundred long playing vinyl discs.

we've just posted four early mixes from recent recordings, and I would appreciate any response, creative or critical, that you would offer.

the songs are

winter billet
the sign
film put in backwards

what do you think?
where are these at?

blukis said, of rec. by AT (Sleater-Kinney)  2008-02-23 09:06:38
Coincidentally, a song from The Woods played on The Current yesterday.  I enjoyed it, but didn't recognize it, as I haven't listened to much of that album.  It's odd, because I've listened to nearly all their other albums a ton.

Maybe I'm just sad that they've faded away.  (Though still loving Carrie's NPR blog.)
blukis said, of rec. by blukis (The Magnetic Fields)  2008-02-19 22:59:38
Oh, their site points you to their MySpace page for streaming songs:
blukis said, of rec. by araustin02 (Warren Hood and the Hoodlums)  2008-01-30 11:07:00
That is some fine fiddling.  Thanks.

Also, welcome to the site (Music Recommend, as it were).  You should subscribe to other users' recommendations, or you're not getting the full effect!
AT said, of rec. by AT (Pat Seick and the Coyotes)  2008-01-16 22:11:48
In news that may interest only me, I recently got a facebook message from my girl Jaala that said she'd send me "a bunch of cds". Sweet.
blukis said, of rec. by Eric (Brand New Immortals)  2008-01-16 09:04:55
Gave them a listen.  They kind of reminded me of Spin Doctors (loosely), if I'm allowed to make such comparisons.
leezuh said, of rec. by madpoliticalscientist (Pela)  2008-01-09 00:06:09
here at our house, we're totally liking pela. thanks for the recommendation.
Peter said, of rec. by blukis (Muse)  2008-01-03 20:10:37
This reminds me of the Editors, if the Editors were more bold in terms of what they allow themselves to sound like.  "Anthemic" is the word that comes to mind. Somewhat less charitably, Coldplay also comes to mind.  But I like these guys more.
Chris said, of rec. by blukis (Muse)  2007-12-27 11:41:44
Sometimes I think the first track on that album exists primarily to set up the transition into the second track...

I'd personally recommend their earlier album "Absolution" over this one.  It feels slightly less varied, but it has more standalone catch-in-your-head tunes.
larryl said, of rec. by blukis (Muse)  2007-12-25 17:45:37
I thought "overall dark, apocalyptic tones" description on Rhapsody was a pretty good one, but I liked "Supermassive Black Hole"
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Jenny Owen Youngs)  2007-12-23 20:49:00
AT, it appears that this is track #1 on the EP.  Don't know if EPs count in your 1 in 3 compilation.  I enjoy that the EP features the expletive intact version followed immediately by the edited version (the one on youtube).

I, also, dig.  Thanks.
AT said, of rec. by Peter (Jenny Owen Youngs)  2007-12-23 19:35:58
Peter, you could not be more right on. It's a shame that I can only get that song on her myspace page, but it's even in 3! and with fun instrumentation, and how could it be that no one has ever before written a song with the chorus "What the fuck was I thinking?" "Brilliant" barely begins to cover it.
blukis said, of rec. by Katie (The National)  2007-12-21 14:04:32
This album got one of the best reviews I can imagine here.
blukis said, of rec. by AT (Acid House Kings)  2007-12-21 12:27:03
My ears have been filled with Acid House Kings this morning.  I like it.  I also like that their website reads "A new album defining the meaning of perfect pop can be expected in 2008."
blukis said, of rec. by madpoliticalscientist (The Lord Henry)  2007-12-19 15:19:35
You've just turned me on to The Lord Henry.  (Looking forward to it improving with age!)
blukis said, of rec. by madpoliticalscientist (Tokyo Police Club)  2007-12-19 14:47:26
Sorry for clipping off your recommendation description.  It was a bug, and I think it's fixed.  It shouldn't happen again.  :)
blukis said, of rec. by madpoliticalscientist (STAR)  2007-12-18 22:42:33
Welcome, madpoliticalscientist.

A link, for lazy people like me.
This seems like a complete playable album here:
AT said, of rec. by madpoliticalscientist (STAR)  2007-12-18 20:30:11
I'm having difficulty finding their music, but I like what I can hear on their myspace, anyway.
AT said, of rec. by madpoliticalscientist (Tokyo Police Club)  2007-12-18 19:48:55
I could've sworn I already had some of their stuff, but it is nowhere to be found. Oh well, I guess that's why I signed onto this yahoo deal.
AT said, of rec. by Katie (The National)  2007-12-18 19:35:26
Andrew Bird doesn't like The National? What's his problem? Is he trying to start a war?
AT said, of rec. by AT (The Smiths)  2007-12-18 17:17:11
I'm an idiot. It's The Smiths, not just Morissey (though I admit I'm not as clear on the distinction as I could be). I got it right the first time I tried to post this, but apparently an album title is required so I can list a song title. Can we institute an 'edit rec' feature, Brian?
Peter said, of rec. by Katie (The National)  2007-12-18 16:32:37
My dad likes The National more than Andrew Bird, which surprised me.
AT said, of rec. by Katie (The National)  2007-12-18 16:26:55
oh, Stinger is my old man. I don't suppose everyone knows that.
AT said, of rec. by Katie (P.O.S.)  2007-12-18 16:04:24
I appreciate your certainty. I must admit, though, that I've yet to break beyond the bounds of Rhymesayers in my hip hop / rap listening. Why do I feel some guilt about this?
AT said, of rec. by jlukis (Clint Mansell)  2007-12-18 15:52:29
I'm not sure I'd like to be idly reminded of Requiem for a Dream. Watching it struck me as the kind of experience that I would want to be fully prepared for, emotionally and otherwise. I fear that's my deep association with the Kronos Quartet, but sometime I'll work up the courage to test this theory.
AT said, of rec. by Katie (The National)  2007-12-18 15:40:20
A buddy of mine from Yale-then-Chicago told me about this band for years, but by the time I finally checked them out (and loved this album), I'd moved away. If he was on the internet in any meaningful way, I'd thank him and ask him to join this site.

Another note: even Stinger seemed to like this band, which makes at least two bands we both like (the first is the Beatles).
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (Oxford Collapse)  2007-12-17 22:25:18
blukis said, of rec. by jlukis (The Lowest of the Low)  2007-12-17 11:03:56
Indeed, I can't find it.  Their website has no music either.
blukis said, of rec. by jlukis (Klaus Badelt)  2007-12-17 11:00:04
Nice background music.  "Hope" caught my attention, but perhaps only because it's faster/louder.
jlukis said, of rec. by jlukis (The Lowest of the Low)  2007-12-16 23:47:13
Great Album. Many good tracks. You might have a hard time finding a copy though, even on a music subscription service. Too bad they've broken up. We had the track "Subversive" play for the first dance at our wedding. You might say it's "our song", but we don't say such things. I think it should be everybody's song.
blukis said, of rec. by Peter (The 1900s)  2007-12-13 22:18:27
They seem to have a web page that will stream to you a complete album and an EP.  Nice.


(I've been kind of picturing some way to specify where one can listen to recommendations.  For now, I suggest doing so in the comments.)
AT said, of rec. by AT (Sufjan Stevens)  2007-12-13 15:58:20
I generally agree; for me I think it tends to be the full tracks that I prefer to the short ditty-length ones, and I prefer the classics (mostly hymns, as it happens) to the stuff he wrote. Of course, I had been craving hymns to listen to for so long that I have generally neglected the rest of the songs, so my thoughts could change.

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