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Fleet Foxes - Music Recommend
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Music Recommend

Artist: Fleet Foxes
Album: Fleet Foxes
Saw these guys a while ago, opening for Blitzen Trapper, and holy cats were they good. 


Bearded folky dudes singing in a style more old-school than you'd expect. This is the kind of music you have going on in the background, and when the cd is over, you immediately start wondering why everything seems bleaker. 

They put on a great show, and they make you believe.
2008-07-08 13:55:31 by Peter
Search artist in: [Google] [lala] [last.fm] [Napster Free] [Pandora] [Rhapsody] [YouTube]
AT said,  2008-07-09 00:08:50
I've been trying to listen to this band, but I have as yet been unable to procure their new album. Still, your rec will inspire me to try harder.
blukis said,  2008-07-29 21:46:34
Super.  This site keeps proving to me that it was worth making.  Andy, don't know if you're making the switch to rhapsody that yahoo users are being "forced" to do.  Rhapsody, aside from being run by devils' spawn, has this album.

Also, I keep being reminded that what the world needs isn't a super-massive distributed p2p system (which is law-enforcingly problematic), but a local friend-only song sharing (which, like making mix tapes, isn't).  Isn't there some easy program out there I can share my music with some select friends?  Sure it's not legal, but I'd like to see them sue me for the $20 they lost.  Suggestions?
leezuh said,  2008-08-01 10:04:43
Did you experience any bromance at the show?

AT said,  2008-08-08 16:35:55
1. So I've switched to Rhapsody from Yahoo, but still have many questions about what that means. What is the appropriate forum for me to ask y'all such  questions?

2. My people in Chicago are currently writing, recording, and creating a video for a Lutheran Volunteer Corps-themed rap song that includes the word "bromance," and if I still lived in Chicago I'm sure I would be involved. I can't decide if I'm sad or glad that I don't live there.
Peter said,  2008-08-08 20:56:19
While the Aforementioned David Brusie had alerted us that these guys were good, the rest of us were there for the Blitzen Trapper Experience.  I didn't notice any weird male bonding time (I wince at the term,) but there were certainly a bunch of dudes on hand.  (We were at the 7th St. Entry, and it was increasingly packed.  We happened to be about 6 feet from the stage.  I refrained from going on stage during the We-happen-to-have-a-lot-of-percussion-instruments-up-here-so-grab-one-and-rock-out song.)
blukis said,  2008-08-30 11:20:19
Andy, (Re: 1.) email perhaps?  right here?  I don't know.  Rhapsody (i.e. Real) seems to be buying all their competitors and then charging more.  They do seem to have the biggest selection, though.
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Artist: Fleet Foxes
Album: Fleet Foxes

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