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P.O.S. - Music Recommend
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Music Recommend

Artist: P.O.S.
Album: Audition
Song: A Teddy Bear And A Tazer
Don't like hip-hop/rap?  That's about to change.
2007-12-17 22:17:57 by Katie
Search artist in: [Google] [lala] [last.fm] [Napster Free] [Pandora] [Rhapsody] [YouTube]
AT said,  2007-12-18 16:04:24
I appreciate your certainty. I must admit, though, that I've yet to break beyond the bounds of Rhymesayers in my hip hop / rap listening. Why do I feel some guilt about this?
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Someone thinks you'd like this music:
Artist: P.O.S.
Album: Audition
Song: A Teddy Bear And A Tazer

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